Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weight Watchers At Work

I’ve agreed to be the new onsite coordinator four our Weight Watchers At Work program. Why not?! I’m already part of the program, I believe in the program and the coordinator type of responsibilities fall right in line with my administrative professional activities. In my office, we’ve seen a lot of success with the program. I was reading some of the success stories online and decided that I’m a success story and wanted to share my story with you. Lucky you, right?!

When and why did I join weight watchers? I joined our At Work program in March 2009. Another administrative professional that I work with had lost weight and she looked great. I asked how she did it and she said WW. Now why did this convince me to join? Well we have to go back a couple of days before that conversation. One morning I confessed to my husband that I could only fit into 3 pair of my jeans. I couldn’t believe it. So I went to the guest bathroom where our scale lives and stepped on. It showed that I gained 12 lbs since my wedding in May 2008. Wow. I had gained 12 lbs in 10 months. It was then that I decided to find a way to get motivated to lose weight.

What was the scariest part of joining? I thought other members wouldn’t take me serious because I wanted to lose 10-15 lbs. I’ve found that that my fears were false. Everyone was and is very supportive…regardless of the number of pounds one wants to lose.

How have I stayed motivated? Seeing the numbers on the scale fall each week and fitting back into my clothes. I even have a couple of pants that I need to take in now! Yessssss.

How have my eating habits changed? Now I eat more fresh produce, get a vegetable in with every dinner, eat appropriate portion sizes and drink more water. I don’t snack as much during the day either. Pre WW, if I did snack it would be a granola bar or chips. Now I go for a piece of fruit or fresh cut veggies.

What role has exercise played in my weight loss? I admit I was really hoping that I could lose weight by just eating less. Really, don’t we all hope for that?! It was week 2 or 3 that I figured if I wanted to see some serious results I needed to make some serious changes to my exercise plan. I started doing 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. Now I get in three 30 minute sessions and at least one 45-60 minute session. And I’m training for 5K run later this summer.

How many pounds have I lost? I have lost 13 lbs. I’m in the maintenance status. Which I feel is just as hard as trying to lose weight! Now that I’ve reached my goal, I plan to continue attending meetings so I get that constant encouragement to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What do I like most about the program? It’s a lot easier to count points than calories!

If you notice someone losing weight in your office compliment them! We all know its not easy and the compliments help keep their motivation high.

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you are going to be a WW coordiantor at work, you will do an awesome job! And, nice work with the weight loss! You've made great lifestyle changes. I am impressed that you are going to run a 5K this summer! Maybe some scrapbooking weekend we will have to fit in a short run!
